Do Ferrets Like Scratching Posts?

Do Ferrets Like Scratching Posts?

Ferrets are playful with each other but toys make them happier. While getting pet toys should not be such a difficult task, you must be careful when choosing toys for your ferret. In this article, I will look at some of the best ferret toys to go for. But before we get to that, do…

Best Way to Clean Ferret Poop. A Helpful Guide

Owning a ferret is exciting until you have to deal with poop. Well, a litter trained ferret will be easier to manage in terms of poop. But before then, you will need a convenient method to clean ferret poop. This article will highlight the best way to clean ferret poop. At the same time, I…

Can Ferrets Chew Through Plastic?

One of the most common and fatal behavioral problems in ferrets is chewing. Ferrets can chew through plastic and even rubber. Unfortunately, this does not always end up well. Swallowing plastic items can lead to an intestinal blockage. So, Can Ferrets Chew Through Plastic? Well, these pets are also very mischievous. Your ferret will steal…

Are Ferrets Sensitive to Cold

How to Stop Ferret Pooping in the House. A Step by Step Guide

Pet ferrets are adorable and playful. However, it can be a little disappointing if your ferret is soiling the house. I mean, the smell of ferret poop everywhere in the house is not exciting. This article will give you a step by step simple guide on how to stop ferret from pooping in the house….

Ferrets fighting for dominance

New ferret owner guide. What you need to know

Have you been dreaming of getting a pet ferret? Well, one of the challenges for new ferret owners is understanding these small creatures. It is because ferrets are quite different from regular pets, cats and dogs. For this reason, I have prepared a comprehensive new ferret owner guide. Did you know that ferrets have become…

Are Ferrets Sensitive to Cold

Ferret stopped using litter box. Why & How to stop it

Having a litter trained ferret is enjoyable. I mean, it is easy to manage his waste and besides, you get to have a stench free house. However, sometimes your ferret might start having peculiar accidents. With time it might start feeling like your ferret stopped using the litter box. It could be as a result…

Ferrets fighting for dominance

Do Ferrets Calm Down With Age

Ferrets are among the most active pets that you can keep. Well, younger ferrets tend to be hyperactive when they are awake. It is because they are curious and energetic. Besides, the most they do is sleep, eat, and play. However, do ferrets calm down with age? If you have never had to calm down…

Ferrets fighting for dominancee

6 Of The Best Ways To Keep My Ferret Happy?

Keeping your pet happy becomes a priority from the first day you bring them home. It is important for ferrets, and other pets to feel satisfied and happy in their homes. Neglected ferrets are unhappy in their homes. Well, this article will give you a guide on how to keep a ferret happy. Caring for…

How Do You Calm Down a Hyper Ferret

Do Ferrets Play Dead? Here is the Answer

Almost every ferret owner has fallen for this trick. Ferrets can play dead sometimes, and it is normal. It is not playing dead really as the ferret is usually in deep sleep. It is referred to as the ferret dead sleep. Some ferrets will do it often while others will only do so occasionally.  …